Last night I went to my first Beth Moore bible study...and....I LOVED it! I've read her books and I knew who she was but watching her movies and doing this study I have come to love her even more. I would highly recommend any woman to do the Esther study. If I could sum up all the things I learned last night...well it would be a long post. Basically, this study is "its tough being a woman" and the thing that was most heavy on my heart was her discussion about being a "mean girl" and I definitely admit I can be a mean girl at times but it also made me think of friendships I currently have and how some girls can just be mean and not even realize it. Beth said that a TRUE mean girl is a girl who will never admit they are wrong...or they will admit it but never apologize for it...even when its not her fault. I'm one of those people who HATE having people mad at me and I would never want to hurt anyones I will apologize...whether I'm wrong or right. Anyways, long story short...the thing that really sunk in was when she said people that are mean to you are only threatened by you and the best thing to do the saying goes..."kill them with kindness".
Anywho....tonight me and James are going to a couples bible study. I'm excited about that!!! Nothing new with wedding stuff...I pretty much have everything done and paid for...yay!!! :)
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