So yay for it being Friday!!! Thankfully, the weather is warmer and its a beautifully sunny day. If only I wasn't so tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a week. I'm that kind of person that has to get like 10 hours of sleep a night or I can't function. This week I've been getting about 5 hours on average. So I can't tell you enough how tired I am.

Anyways, my next topic to blog about today is going to be about my hair. Haha...I know! But anyways, I go through shampoo like no other...mainly because I have so much hair and also because I take like 2 showers a day. I usually get my shampoo at the salon and spend like $30 every other month. That adds up...that's $180 a year. Not only does it cost a small fortune but I usually have to trade off every other month because it tends to eventually leave my hair dull looking. Well girls...I have finally found the shampoo that not only is cheap but is the greatest shampoo I've ever had...and I've been using it probably 4 months now. I saw it on GMA a while back and they said it was just as good as a salon shampoo so I had to try it. You ask what it is??? Well I'm happy to announce you can get it at Wal-Mart for $1.50 and its....


So buying this is now saving me $171!!!!! Yes, that's a HUGE savings!!! The funny thing is now I have James using it and he loves it just as much as me...the other day he's like..."I love that shampoo you bought me"...haha so I know it has to be good for him to even notice and then to say something about it.
Ok, enough about my hair. So back to my invitations. I really want to have calligraphy done for the addressing part. I just don't know if I have the talent to do it. I have great hand writing but this is a whole other ball park. I found someone on Etsy to do it for $1 an envelope. That's actually a really good deal if you think about it. I just don't know if I want to spend that much money on something so small. I think I'm going to buy a calligraphy pen this weekend and see if I can do it myself. It doesn't have to be PERFECT but I want it to look good.
I still need to go wedding dress shopping...oh I know I know...I've been putting it off. I really am just tempted to order the dress I found online. Its my dream dress and I know I'll like it. I really don't want to go to a bridal shop and try on ugly plus size dresses that they put the fat girls in. I don't need to feel any worse then I already do about my weight. I think if I can just lose a size I'll feel so much better...but I just gotta get there...eek!!!
I'm so freaking excited right now!!! I can't wait to go to dinner and catch up with my friend McKenna tonight!!! Love that girl!!!!
Hope ya'll have a great Friday!!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Oooooo, I used to do calligraphy. I still have all the stuff too. Maybe I could re-learn. You could learn too--I have several pens. ;)