Tour of Homes

So Kelly from Kelly's Korner is doing her 2nd week of tour of homes. This week is living rooms. I was thinking about how I'm going to mine and James living room in October. Well since he's moving into our place in August I'll probably start decorating then ;) haha. Lately, I'm loving the blue hues. I don't know why...but I'm sure James won't appose to it since at least its not pink or something else girly. Here's a living room I found that I LOVE and is very much my style.

I love this bedroom as well. I like the crisp white clean look. I love neutrals in general though. I like color but since I'm that kind of person that likes change and will probably rearrange furniture and change throw pillows at least twice a year then I think sticking with neutrals is best for me and then I can add a little color by throw pillows, rugs, or floral arrangements.

I have a feeling though we'll have a lot of blue in our first place though...haha. I think James will go along with it ;) . I'm also in love with chocolate browns and the blue together. I know its been popular for a while now but what can I say...I love it.
Anywho, my friend Michelle (my MOH) is coming into town today and I'm glad to be able to hang out with her for a couple hours. Then UofA graduation is tomorrow. Got a few invitations but I think I'll be staying far far away from that mad house. Plus I've been once and will never go again...its so freaking long. I also am getting up early to go pick up living room furniture with my booby and then spend the day putting together the kitchen and living fun. Not a whole lot going on I guess for me this weekend. I'll post pictures on Monday!!!

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