Happy Memorial Day!

It always seems to rain on Memorial Day here. So we know not to plan anything outdoors like a camping trip or anything. Not that it matters much though since this year both me and James are working. NO fun! Ha...but he's working from home so he's the lucky one.

James arrived safely from North Carolina last night and I'm so thankful. He had a wonderful trip and I think it was a good little mini vacation for him. I think he's also in shock that his best friend is married and not just Matt but a husband to someone. Little does he realize it'll be him next and his friends will be thinking the same ;). Getting married is definitely one of those life changing wake up calls that say "YOUR AN ADULT"!!!

Anyways, my weekend was pretty slam packed. Friday after work I went and ran for about an hour with a friend. Then, I met my mom at the hospital and visited with my granny for a while. We then went to my grandpa's to give him his insulin shots that he has to have EVERY night at 9pm. Talk about a pain in the BUTT...only reminds me why its so important to take care of yourself and be healthy. Ya, not a typical 21 year olds Friday night but hey I love my family!

So anywho on to Saturday...I worked a little on wedding invitations and worked a LOT on my never ending pile of laundry. Met a friend at Lake of Fayetteville to bike ride. The weather had other plans...as we drive up it starts POURING...so we climbed the wall at Lewis and Clark...well more like Anna climbed the wall. After that we adventured up to the "camping" floor where some crazy old man talked oh about 30 minutes on float trips and yada yada so we got scared off and went back to the car and realized the rain was NOT going away. Drove to Sonic...oh how us southerners LOVE our Sonic drinks :) . Then, we decided to go back to Lake of Fayetteville to see if it was still raining...oh and it was...so we said told the rain off and decided to bike in the rain. Now, lets think...how long has it been since Mary has rode a bike...hmmm...well TOO long! I probably made it 1/4 of a mile and was like "ewww...ohhhh...ahhhh"...lets just say I was in extreme pain...that little vajay-jay killer of a seat almost made it unbearable to ride. Needless to say biking 7 miles in the rain and my yahoo hurting wasn't the greatest thing in the world but a GREAT exercise...jogging it is actually easier then bike riding it...who would of thought???

Ok so Sunday I woke up extremely late because I COULD NOT go to sleep that night before morning. I woke up unrested feeling so lets just say Princess Mar Mar was CRANKY...just ask my mom ;) haha so I get ready to go to my boobie's house (aka my brother James) and finally get out the door at like 2pm. Stop at the post office to pick up boobie's mail and run back to my car because its STILL raining and who do you think locked her keys in the car??? Not me....Not the person that locks her keys in the car on a MONTHLY basis...no no not me (I should post this on NOT ME! Monday's blog). So I wait for my mom to bring me the spare keys...took forever...slow driver...so I'm really not in a good mood at this point. Finally get to boobie's and we look through the family photos for the ones he wants to scan and get larger prints of. We get to Wally World and stand in line for oh about 30 minutes and no movement on the lines at the photo kiosk's. So boobie decides he wants to get groceries (bad idea)...he takes longer then my grandma shopping. After like 2 hours of that we go to the home decor section and look at picture frames...he decides he doesn't like them...so he wants to go to Target...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...that was my reaction at that point. Anyways, back to standing in line at the photo kiosk's...wait another 3o minutes...FINALLY...(there really should be a time limit people have at those)...it takes us like 5 minutes to scan and make selections of the photo's...another 20 minutes waiting on the stupid thing to print them. Praise God we make it out of Wally World after 4 hours...or what it felt like...I think it was actually 2 hours...but hey who's counting at that point. THEN we go to Target...thankfully since we have groceries I have a good excuse to hurry boobie...buy 15 picture frames...TOTAL: $250....LIKE WTF...PICTURE FRAMES!!!???? Not my money so I don't worry...lol. Finally, make it back to his house and put up frames and GADZOOKS the living room is finally finished...yay...must take pictures and post...later...when I have time...and who knows when that might be. Soooooo then...yes there is more...I clean his house...(he pays me to clean)...and at this point I'm about to die I'm so tired (its like 9pm)...drive home...which takes like an hour from his house...so ya that's my Sunday pretty much in a nut shell.

I'm totally lacking on the whole taking pictures and posting but what can I say...I'm never gonna be that girl that has a camera attacked to her hip. Plus I am horrible at picture taking and they never seem to look how I want them too. Ok so if you've read to this point you have to be poking your eye balls out of boredom. So that's all for now folks.

Oh and complete random and off note...another "NOT ME! Monday" ....I totally mixed up the dates for my best friend Dannielle's wedding that I thought was next week and its not for 2 weeks (wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't in NC and I wasn't in it)...this is why I have to carry a planner with me...at all times!

I need a vacation...with no agenda!

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