Good mail day!!!

Yippie skippie!!!!! So today I got home and I got a wonderful BIG box with my name on it and then a letter from my "Anna Banana" haha...I'll always call her that...even we we are 40 with a million kids...ha! Anyways, what was in the box you ask??? Well it was my bridesmaids dress for my friend Danni's wedding! To my relief it fit PERFECTLY...I had this bad feeling I was going to be too fat to fit a leg in it...haha.

So tomorrow I got like 2 birthday presents to shop for and a shower gift....and I want to clean my car...and help my mom finish painting the kitchen...and ect ect...lots of "to do's"....that mostly won't happen :). Well thats its for tonight...too tired to blog any more...have a great weekend ya'll!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Yay! So glad it fit! Have a good weekend!