Beth Moore...

Tonight I got to talk to a really good christian friend of mine and I'm so glad I did. She is such an inspiration and positive influence. She told me to read this book called "Believing God" by Beth Moore that it has really been an encouragement with her and her future husband. So I can't wait to read it. Then, I came home tonight and my mom just started a bible study at FBC over the book of Ester and its also by Beth Moore (weird!) and I'm going to start it with her next Tuesday! I'm hoping for some encouragement...its been a really difficult past few months. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in you and your life you forget about the BIG picture and whats really important.

Lately, I've had such bad anxiety and just been depressed that its made me feel sick and go home and sleep. Stress and worry over wedding, money, weight, and ect ect. The only time I feel better and don't worry about anything is when I'm with James...and the past few days I haven't been able to spend as much time with him as I'd like. He's my escape from everything :) Oh how I love him so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I hope I never disappoint him and can be everything he will ever need in a wife. Anyways, I know that sounds cheesy but thats just how I feel. :)

Anyways, I'm praying that God will put my mind at ease about everything and show me something else to put my attention towards rather then MYSELF!

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