"Dude it's not even Thanksgiving"

It offically feels like Christmas! Me and James went and saw the lights at the Fayetteville town square. It was REALLY cold but it was totally worth it! Good thing we went to Starbucks to get hot chocolate before we went! Surprisingly everyone we knew was going to be there BUT we didn't see ANYONE we knew...there was just TOO many people there. It was great though...even the little parade they had...haha. James totally thinks I'm nutso though...with Christmas decorations up and wrapping presents...he sent me a facebook bumper sticker that said "dude it's not even Thanksgiving"....haha!

I feel like Thanksgiving is totally being passed up this year but I am totally looking forward to TURKEY and Black Friday of course. I'm hoping that I can get a good deal on James Christmas gift. With the economy the way it is and everything and how all the stores are starting early on Christmas I have a feeling they will either have really really good deals or no sales at all because they can't afford it. Anyways, I'm totally excited that this is only going to be a 3 day work week....yeah!!!!!!!!

So I cannot believe its going to be 2009 SOON...like seriously...where did the year go??? I keep telling James ever since we've been together time has just went super super fast. Like this upcoming year so much is going to happen. Life changing events!!!!!!! Most of my friends are graduating and moving on to the next step of their lives, quite a few are getting married, and some are even having children....and of course I'll be getting married :) yay!!!!!!! It'll definitely be a year to remember. I know its going to fly with wedding preperation, graduations, weddings, showers, and bacherlette parties!
Anyways, here are some pictures of the lights at the square....

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh dear - I'm laughing that you and your office read my blog! yikes!
I'm glad I came to visit you because I thought F'ville wasn't doing lights this year - I didn't know they were! How exciting! :-)