Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Ok so its not the 4th quite yet but I'll be out of town the rest of the weekend so I thought I should do a quick post. Me and James are going to Nashville for the holiday weekend. Its kind of a big deal for his family...not so much mine. The worst weekend to be traveling...so much freaking traffic...4 hour car ride will turn into 5 or 6 hours. I'm going to try to make use of that time and make some wedding lists. I have been slacking the past couple months just mainly because there is only so much you can do 4 or 5 months before the wedding. Now though...I've found myself in panic realizing all of the stuff I haven't done or even thought about. To list a few...

  • Order 1 more bridesmaids dress
  • Find jewelry/shoes for bridesmaids
  • Buy attendant gifts
  • Make flower girl dress
  • Order flowers
  • Rent linens for reception
  • Order clear cello favor bags for cookies
  • Buy/make monogram for programs and favor bags
  • Decide what cookie recipes for wedding favors
  • Finish invitations
  • Send off for calligraphy
  • Make programs
  • Decide on ceremony details (music, readings, and singers)
  • Make reception soundtrack
  • Finish/Decide on bridal attire (jewelry, shoes, and undergarments)
  • Have wedding dress altered
  • Rent Tuxes
  • Decide on family pictures and baby pictures to use for the reception
  • Finish buying reception decorations
  • Setup bridal hair and makeup appointments
  • Plan rehearsal dinner and party

Ya....see what I mean??? I have a LOT to do! Not even mentioning all the moving and house hunting going on or the vacation planning. It was fun planning like a year ago but now its just to the point where I want it to be done. Plus its a lot of responsibility to plan a wedding...and I'm practically doing everything myself. Sooooo stressful when its all on you!!!! Sounds like I'm throwing a pity party huh??? Not really just time for a good vent! :) I'm having one of those days...being at work when everyone else is off SUCKS!!! However, I should just be thankful I have a great job AND AND AND I'm going to have a fun weekend.

Anywho, I hope you all have a great 4th and remember firework safety ;) haha...

I'll try to take some pictures and post them on Monday.

99 days

Long long long over due!!!!!!

Wow yall I know I know. I fell off the planet for a while. I've just had so much going on every single weekend and I'm just too tired from work and everything else to post in the evenings. So I have lots and lots of pictures I'm posting and it took me practically a whole day to upload and post all of them. So the pictures start off with my birthday dinner I had with my family at the Catfish Hole. Then off to Danni's wedding in Black Mountain. It was such a great mini break and what a beautiful wedding...something I'll never forget. Lastly, I had my shower last weekend and I had some people take a few pictures...not very many but it was a great a shower and I got lots of good stuff....including the start of a VERY pink kitchen ;) CAN'T WAIT to use it all!!!! Sorry I'm not going to comment on the pictures...just too many...not enough time! So here they are....ENJOY!!!

The flowers that James sent me on my birthday :)

The pink strawberry cake my boobie made me...my favorite!!!

Danni's Wedding Rehearsal
Getting Ready for the wedding and sneaking a peak outside ;)

THE SHOWER (ok so I'm super pale and looking like a major fatty but oh well)

Well thats it folks. I ask everyone that stumbles on this blog whether a friend or stranger to pray for me right now. My grandma pasted away a few weeks ago and its been so hard for me and my family. As most of you know I have tons of stomach problems that pretty much stem from stress and worry...so it just makes it so much worse going through these things. All I can think about is the day I get married there will be two people I know I'll cry for and wish were there. I just want to enjoy these next few months getting ready for marriage. Speaking of which....100 DAYS TO GO!!!!!

It's been FOREVER!!!

Promise I'll post by this weekend...lots to update on...and a few pictures of recent events!!!!!!

107 days till I'm Mrs. Arnold WOO WOO!!!

My Weekend...

What a great weekend! I had so much fun at Danni's bacherlette and lingerie shower. I met some great christian girls also...which is always nice. I'm just so excited about Danni's wedding this coming Saturday. Get off work half the week and get to spend some time with one of my best best friends before she enters the marriage world...haha! I can't wait for her and am so excited for her marriage to George Michael. I wish them all the happiness in the world.

So in other news my birthday is on Tuesday!!! Woo Woo!!! I'll be turning 22...now I feel like I'm old...haha. I have to work though...so no fun! Anywho, in other news James got a new job!!! We are so excited and its such a good job. We got our first wedding gift yesterday from Mrs. Holdorf...thank you thank you!

Well thats all for now...I have got some serious cleaning to do today!!! Here's some pictures from Friday night. Enjoy!

P.S. I LOVE THE MYSTIC TAN (greatest man invention yet ;) lol)

Blonde Blonde

Well ya'll I went blonde again!!! EEk!!! Hahah...but no I've gotten a lot of compliments on it today so I think it looks good. I love changing things up...you always feel like a new person when you get different hair style, cut, or color. I now need to go get my mystic tan on...maybe tonight...if I have time. I'm going to my friend Danni's house after work today for a private pilates class...woo woo!!! She teaches pilates up in Indiana...so maybe I'll get some good tips and moves to do weekly now. I'm so excited for the weekend to come. I have a friend that's having a lingerie and bacherlette party all in one. We are all suppose to bring our favorite recipes and we'll try them all out and write them in her recipe book we are making...how fun does that sound??? (Right up my alley :). So stealing that idea for my party! I'm thinking I'll bring a main dish and dessert...plus give me an extra reason to eat something that's NOT on my diet ;). Anyways, other then that not much going on for the rest of the week. Oh my shower invites were sent this week so I'm excited about that coming up in a few weeks...yay! One of a few showers we'll be having...but super excited to see some family and friends I haven't seen in a while.
Anywho, I gotta get back to work but I'll post the recipes I take for the party later this week!!!

Banana Pancakes...

Today is one of those days that I want to pretend its the weekend and make banana pancakes :) ...."pretend there is no world outside"... Ever have one of those days where you just want to stay at home and hibernate from every one and everything??? I'm having one of those days. Sometimes we need to be alone to reflect on whats most important and what life is really all about. Jack Johnson is my man today...if I'm not thinking of "Banana Pancakes" I'm "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing". Last night I had one of those quiet lonely evening...and when its that quiet I can hear God LOUDLY talking to me...I love that! Not often do we get a chance to have that quietness...I guess that's why they call it a "quiet time" with God. Ok so I know all this has been my ramblings and thoughts...but that's ok...that's why its MY blog :) .
Now I gotta get back to work ;) ....

Mystic Tan...Do or Don't???

I've been debating the last week if I should try this concoction they call the "mystic tan". I'm so worried I'll turn orange like a oompa loompa...like if I come out of this looking like this...

I will DIE!
Now, if I come out looking like this...which is how they advertise you'll look after doing the Mystic then we won't have any problems and I won't have to kill someone.

Weird to think someone can look so different all in the name of a tan. I know I know it seems so shallow the whole being tan thing but honestly I do feel better when I have a tan and I feel like I look better too. I just don't think I want to use tanning beds any longer because I've seen girls that did that all of high school and then 5 years later...WOW...they look terrible and their skin is all wrinkly...no no I don't want to end up like that. Of course the whole skin cancer is another reason of now wanting to use the beds any longer. I'm kind of freaked out about the whole standing in this booth and having it spray you and you have to hold your breath and everything.

Well, I think I'll overcome my fear and do it this week. Don't expect any pictures of before and after...haha. I'll let you know how it turns out though ;)